Spending chains and Sankey diagrams
A simple Sankey diagram shows clearly the relationship between savings and the deficit; and it explains why the NHS is the great engine driving the UK economy.
A simple Sankey diagram shows clearly the relationship between savings and the deficit; and it explains why the NHS is the great engine driving the UK economy.
The liberal press seems too embarrassed to call MMT by name. That will change with the launch of a new MMT initiative in the UK.
We need to look at the resources the NHS commandeers from other countries.
How complex mathematical models of the economy are used to support a case for subverting democracy.
A series of graphics showing the simple truths contained within Modern Monetary Theory.
An exposition of Modern Monetary Theory from a perspective that most people will never have encountered.
Some critics of MMT, especially proponents of Basic Income, like to characterise the Job Guarantee as a form of Workfare.
Taking money away from corporations can be counterproductive. Ideally, we should not tax corporations at all.
Learn how a university uses its own currency to further the public purpose.
There’s a wee bit of a problem with the idea that we can pay for better public services by taxing the rich more.