MMT propaganda

Kitchener Wants You, Gibraltar 2014

All campaigns need effective propaganda (in the original sense of the word) and a memorable poster is always a good starting point. Here is a set which I think would work well as posters or postcards (they are not really suitable for use as ‘memes’). Some are presented as aphorisms, the simple truths contained within Modern Monetary Theory, and are designed to kick-start a change in the way people think about money, economics and society.1

For the full effect they need to be seen at two different sizes: small and big, far and near. They may not be suitable for viewing on small screens.

Here they are. Text continues below.

OK, so maybe they won’t end up being quite as enduring as the Kitchener poster, but I think some of them show a potential for disrupting mainstream thinking.

My favourites are the first eight. I see them as candidates for a series of sixteen or so cards, each focussing on one aspect of MMT, with explanatory text on the back. At postcard size there is room on the back for 400-500 words. It’s the sort of bite-sized approach that some people will take to, particularly those who don’t want to read a book (or a website, for that matter).

Suggestions for more in this format gladly accepted.

And now that you have been subjected to it eighteen times, that image of the match should be well and truly seared into your occipital lobe. From now on you won’t be able to look at a lighted match without thinking about this website. It’s all part of my cunning plan and like a mind‑control plot line from The Avengers it won’t be long before the mere sight of a box of Swan Vesta will create in you an uncontrollable urge to phone up your MP and demand that they explain their understanding of the deficit.2

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1. Thanks to William Beveridge for ‘create employment’ and to Neil Wilson for ‘reverse the causality’ (I couldn’t resist the Doctor Who variant).
2. It has occurred to me that younger readers may have misinterpreted what I meant by The Avengers. I am referring, of course, to the 1960s British television series, not later remakes or anything to do with Marvel Comics.